Only Emperor Obama expected Iran to cooperate with the US on fighting anything. Everyone except Obama knows Iran is the root of all evil in the Middle East and maybe the world and if GW has one fault, maybe he should have attacked Iran instead of Iraq.
But, but, but............we just gave you everything you wanted. That’s not fair. Whaaaaaaa.
Is it to be the Muslim Brotherhood, with roots in Sunni Islam, or is it to be the theocracy that now acts as the governance of Iran, the birthplace of the bete noire of the White Hut, Valerie Jarrett?
Both sides generate their own brand of terrorists, and often, they are working at cross purposes with each other, but they unite on one thing - Death to America. They both are as one in their condemnation of Israel, but that is a slightly different issue, because Israel is determined to fight back, and both the Sunnis and the Shi'ites are pretty respectful of the Israelis.