Yes, what I said was a little tongue-in-cheek, but if traditional marriage sets no precedent for a county clerk in KY as well as State Law itself that backs her up, who cares what "precedent" rulings were handed down for Idaho (which maybe applies) or New Jersey (which doesn't apply in KY at all)?
Think outside the box. Make Mitch accountable to the State in a way the 17th Amendment hasn't forced him to do ever. Have the KY legislature and governor pass a law that forces Mitcheeee-boy to provide a weekly progress report in person on how his actions that week have upheld the Congressional Power of the Purse in opposing Obama. Failure to comply will result in $15000/day fine against his personal assets -- like a Federal Consent Decree might do.
Play hardball. It will get so uncomfortable after a while he just might resign.
The best "hardball" would be an Article V convention that repeals the 17th Amendment and/or institutes term limits.