He’s got the right demographic (the gibsmedats) but he fails to understand that most aren’t looking for work. There are many educated hard working people looking or jobs but they aren’t PC compatible so the affirmative action hires are recruited instead.
You mean th give me that!
Once you hit 40, good jobs are hard to find. Just went through it with my eldest, he’s 43, been in management for 20 years or more. He shows up, he works hard, turns stores around, and all of a sudden they want some one with a college degree or one that will work cheaper. He doesn’t get into the PC stuff, if you don’t do your job he cuts your hours until you look for another job. If higher ups hire with out doing back ground drug checks or jail time, he will find out fairly soon, and he will cut hours till you quit. Saves the hassle of all the PC crap that way. And if you can’t speak good English, he will not hire you, there are ways around all that PC crap.