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To: paladinan

“Wow. Okay, then. You love Trump. Gotcha. “

It’s called not being stupid, and knowing the political landscape well enough to not harbor these idiot fantasies that too many on the right have whom have no clue about the abilities of the left to shape agendas effortlessly and destroy weak candidates with ease. That think that pedantic speeches and trying to be too smart by half is going to beat the left. That is not going to cut it.

53 posted on 10/28/2015 1:26:45 PM PDT by VanDeKoik
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To: VanDeKoik
It’s called not being stupid, and knowing the political landscape well enough to not harbor these idiot fantasies that too many on the right have whom have no clue about the abilities of the left to shape agendas effortlessly and destroy weak candidates with ease. That think that pedantic speeches and trying to be too smart by half is going to beat the left. That is not going to cut it.

Pardon me, but: apart from the direction (i.e. more conservative), how is this sort of argument different from "Vote for Romney/McCain/insert-squish-here, because we need to be practical about the political landscape"? The idea of "vote for the practical person", when taken as a sole (or even a main) principle for voting, is INSANE... partly because the general idea of "practical" usually means "appeals to my personal tastes".

Again: I don't blame anyone for liking what Trump says and does in the media; I don't blame people for enjoying the sense that Trump can (and is inclined to) "slug away at the corrupt media with impunity". All granted, and long overdue. But a country isn't run on that sort of (if I can borrow a phrase from another FReeper) "reality TV excitement". It's foolish to vote for the person with the biggest mouth, simply because that mouth happens to be turned against our enemies at the moment. If the person in question can't be trusted, then--at the risk of sounding obvious--it'd be stupid to trust him. Trump is in it for Trump, period... and I don't trust him to do the right thing if it's financially/politically disadvantageous for him; nothing in his past suggests that he can act with integrity when the chips are down, and when there's no applause.

Besides: IMHO, those who think that Ted Cruz CAN'T handle the media and liberals (both with words and with votes/actions in the senate) haven't been paying attention. Trump has more media play because he's more crass and belligerent and loud; but voting for him is the tactical equivalent of voting for Lady Gaga.
66 posted on 10/29/2015 11:13:13 AM PDT by paladinan (Rule #1: There is a God. Rule #2: It isn't you.)
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