I think he wento a little overboard, but when the nice officer is called to take you out of the classroom, you should go with him.
I was at my daughters school for a meeting yesterday. There was some sort of incident and they told everyone to leave the hallways.
This one STUPID ASS BLACK KID was walking slowly down the hall, the teachers told him “Come On- lets go” and he actually SLOWED DOWN taking quarter-steps shuffling his way taking like 20 seconds to go 10 feet...
I turned away and told one of the teachers I could never work there - he would have gotten a boot in the ass from me for that...
Nobody likes to say this, but blacks bring (perception of?) violence, drugs, crime, and decay wherever they are in any sizable numbers. May be centuries of slavery and racism are behind the root cause... after all, they look a bit different from others, so, combine with historical racism and modern alienation (economically, socially, and racially), they are left out and lash out.