It concerns me that Christian moralists confound sex with adultery. One is good the other evil and they are not the same. Nudity is not evil, beauty is not evil, what is evil is sex outside the bounds of marriage and coveting that which belongs to another. Sex and nudity are beautiful as a Bach symphony, it is dualism and that would say other. There are appropriate settings for each and inappropriate as well, but that does not permit a wholesale denigration.
In like manner these moralists decry violence, but what is the human fallen condition but violent. They fail to differentiate violence from sociopathic brutality. Recall that Christ comes back in violence. War is necessary for peace in a fallen world, but war is violent.
To witness the violence or the sexuality of fallen man is not evil, anymore than watching a documentary oh Hitler is evil. Just because the subject matter is evil does not make the watching evil. But as a steady diet of pop culture might deter one from a more beautiful and godly expression, so one should take care to make wise choices to preserve your appetite for what is good, beautiful an right.
I enjoy Game of Thrones but dislike the constant sex and gore in my face however that is the way the world was, is and will be till we reach the end as GOD promised we would.