Another Constitution-shredding Democrat? No thanks.
It will be interesting to watch the MSM attack the next Republican President who uses the same tactics.
Unless she is indicted, she is the next president. The key ingredients will be help from the mainstream media, illegal votes, a couple billion dollars to spend and enough of those who have conservative principles either staying home or wasting their vote on a 3rd party because Hillary’s opponent is not pure enough. That worked just fine for our country in 2012.
I agree, which is why I will never vote for a Dem for President. However, there are many who won't vote for Donald Trump "no matter what" when he has said numerous times that he is very pro-gun. Somehow, the logic doesn't work for me - people of that viewpoint are utterly impractical, because they don't understand that you NEVER get everything you want in politics.
Reagan said that if you get 70% of what you want, take it and run away. General George S. Patton, Jr. said, "The perfect is the enemy of the good." What is hard to understand about this? Here are 2 brilliant and incredibly successful men, both of whom utilized their experience to say that nothing and no one is perfect, do the best you can, when you can - and then all of these others who would rather see a gun-grabbing Dem who might do what they want 5% of the time (and I'm being generous here) get elected if the only other choice is a less-than-ideologically pure Republican who would do what they want 85% of the time. Not much for common sense, are they?
One final thought: the Dems/liberals/Leftists/gun-grabbers, whatever you call them, got where they are today by taking one thin salami slice out of our liberties at a time. Had they tried to get the whole enchilada at one time, they'd have never succeeded. Wouldn't it be intelligent and logical to do the same thing to reverse course, to get back what we have lost over time, when we KNOW that getting it all back in one fell swoop is not politically possible, ever?