Blood coming out her eyes!
Let’s give her the nuclear codes!
You need to Photoshop that face on Major Kong riding the nuke.
The botox is strong, in that one.
Seriously, you first, Fiorina. That’s all we need - a secretarial chicken hawk threatening Putin.
She is a complete joke. Please back away from the levers of power, you psycho-b*tch.
I’m all for staying out of the muzzie’s business, unless they start flying jets into US buildings. Then you go in briefly, flatten the country, exit, and let them rebuild. Oh, and all muzzies are banned from coming into this country, either by immigration or by visa. That’s my plan.
Carly’s shrill warmongering reminds me of other women who try too hard to show that they’re the alpha male in the pack, such as rookie female cops who get off on busting your chops when you’re pulled over for speeding or some other minor traffic violation.
Trump has just been exonerated. “Look at that face” :-)
In other words, this clueless witch is advocating that we sacrifice American lives to defend Isis. Why do so many “republicans”, Freepers and otherwise waste time with this screwball, Rubio and other beltway no-hopers? Give me Trump!! Trump all the way!!!
If Trump isn’t the nominee all hell is going to break loose.
1968 will look like a cakewalk.