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To: springwater13

Operation Trump:

(My Take on how to deport 30 million illegal aliens)

Phase 1: Voluntary Paid deportation, If you turn yourself in for free deportation the US government will pay for their plane/bus/boat ticket back to the country of their origin. In exchange for paying for the person’s fare home you take their finger prints and bio-metric data and picture, etc. You put it in a database and they have to wait 10 years and pay a $5,000 fee before they can legally apply to come into this country again, all future travel visas are denied as well in this time period.

Phase 2: Start by going after people here on expired Visas. Start with the northern states and work your way Downward to the southern states, by the time you get to the southern most states good money will be on a lot of these illegals already being gone. You have to start with the states that have the least density of illegals (more than likely the northern states). You take their finger prints and bio-metric data and picture, etc. You put their fingerprints and pictures in a database and they have to wait 20 years and pay a $10,000 fee before they can legally apply to come into this country again, all future travel visas are denied as well in this time period.

Phase 3: Finish off the Remnants that are here illegally who didn’t self deport in Phase 1, Or were taken care of in Phase 2. Start again in the northern states and work your way down. You put their fingerprints and pictures in a database and they have a lifetime ban on ever becoming a legal immigrant, all future travel visas are denied permanently as well.

Phase 4: Make sure we Finish the Damned wall.

Phase 5: Maintain immigration enforcement for those who are still sneaking in. Anyone caught here illegal is immediately deported, You put their fingerprints and pictures in a database and they have a lifetime ban on ever becoming a legal immigrant, all future travel visas are denied permanently as well.

Basically you self-deport them by letting them know they will be deported.

33 posted on 09/30/2015 4:54:46 PM PDT by GraceG (Protect the Border from Illegal Aliens, Don't Protect Illegal Alien Boarders...)
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To: GraceG
Basically you self-deport them by letting them know they will be deported.

Great stepped approach. The smart criminaliens will self deport early, so that they can later re-enter without being in the database.

US government will pay for their plane/bus/boat ticket back...

Where feasible, I'd fit them with a pair of hiking boots, a bottle of water, a compass, and point them south. That's how most got here, let'em go back the same way.

41 posted on 09/30/2015 5:04:10 PM PDT by C210N (When people fear government there is tyranny; when government fears people there is liberty)
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To: GraceG
Phase 4: Make sure we Finish the Damned wall.

Phases can run concurrently. This is one that starts at the beginning and along side of your process.

51 posted on 09/30/2015 5:30:53 PM PDT by Cobra64 (Common sense isn't common anymore.)
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To: GraceG

“Operation Trump” or “Operation Wetback”, whatever you want to call it, is NEVER going to happen. Never. The only feasible and legal immigration plan is one that strengthens the borders and deals sternly with illegals from this point forward. There is no conceivable way, legal or otherwise, that upwards of 11 million people can be sent home.

The courts have ruled that, while they are within the borders of the United States, illegal immigrants are granted the same fundamental, undeniable constitutional rights granted to all Americans.

Illegals are protected under the law. Each and every one of them are entitled to due process. Trump must know this, yet he’s paying lip service to the issue to get votes. That is despicable.

Trump can’t just go in there, wave a scepter and change our Constitution. That so many Freepers are ignorant of this, and are buying Trump’s absolute nonsense, surprises and disappoints me.

78 posted on 09/30/2015 8:20:27 PM PDT by randita
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