Then we must control pea shooters, dart blowers, marshmallow guns, potato guns, pumpkin chuckers and Nerf guns.
From the opinion of Judge Michelle Ann Larkin:
“The complaint alleged that Haywood possessed a Walther CP99 Compact .177-caliber BB gun and that Haywood was ineligible to possess a firearm based on his 2005 conviction of controlled-substance crime in the second degree. The record indicates that the BB gun looks like a miniature version of a standard Walther P99. The record also indicates that the BB gun has an effective range of approximately 350 yards and a substantial muzzle velocity.”
A CO2 powered pistol BB gun with an effective range of 350 yards??? I want one!!! Yeah baby! That makes me think of the tiny ray gun from the movie “Men In Black”.
Where’s the fire? Compressed air gun. Kinda like a fart, which can be deadly.
Where's the 'fire'?!?
The Minnesota Court of Appeals judges who decided this should be impeached, and strongly encouraged to leave the country, along with the legislators who confirmed them to the court.
An air rifle is a variable pressure propelled by air or CO2 rifle. The air rifle is much more dangerous than a spring loaded BB gun but still is not a firearm. Either pressurized air or CO2 propels the BB in an air rifle.
Once again, common sense proves an uncommon commodity in a liberal court.
There are slingshots deadlier than a BB gun!! URGH!! North Dakota here I come... I’m sick of this....
In The People”s Republic of New Jersey a bb gun has firearm status as well as air soft.
Um, what? Holy mentally retarded leftists Batman! Simple logical question for the “smart” ones: Where is the fire, in a BB gun?
Until this past summer, Michigan law treated pellet pistols as firearms.
Yeah, there’s no fire and no powder.
Oh Plz.. has they lost their noodles ?
aint no gunpowder or explosive involved.. unless compressed air is now a deadly weapon.
I tried to purchase a sling shot from Cabela’s online, but since I live in NJ, I was prohibited from purchasing this toy. I, an adult, was not too be trusted with something so dangerous as a kid’s toy!
by definition there must be “fire”
absent fire, there is no firearm
compressed air lacks fire