And also with the information in post #90, it sounds like firms are adapting to the internet and cell phones and using a mix of ways to poll their respondents.
I was once called by Pew Research and answered pre-screening questions, but I guess I didn't fit the needed demographic because I wasn't called to participate in any polls.
“I was once called by Pew Research and answered pre-screening questions, but I guess I didn’t fit the needed demographic because I wasn’t called to participate in any polls.”
BOL, I took an early retirement in the mid 1990’s, and I didn’t work for a year.
Between 1-4 pm, I would get calls from pollsters looking for liberals who were at home instead of working.
I learned quickly to go to the chase when one of them called. I told them up front that I was a Republican and voted Republican. Most of them said goodbye including the Pew research clowns.
My open approach got me on the list as a republican with two polling firms.
The rest stopped calling.