It isn’t just Cruz that voted reluctantly for the Corker Bill. It was also, as I said previously and which you choose to ignore, Senator Jeff Sessions and Senator Mike Lee.
> “You Cruz zombies get on my nerves.”
Good. Enjoy your ‘nerves’. You really should go somewhere else where your nerves can be soothed like here:
There you can make friends with the many faggots who hold regular Cruz hatefests.
“It was also, as I said previously and which you choose to ignore, Senator Jeff Sessions and Senator Mike Lee.”
Ignore? The discussion was about votes made by Cruz.
Yes, they did, but Cruz zombies act as if he is a literal, flesh and blood incarnation of the Constitution for the 21st century.
“There you can make friends with the many faggots who hold regular Cruz hatefests.”
Faggots? Why are you consorting with them on that site?
Unsatisfied longings?
I have never seen Cruz resort to the gutter for vindication.
You must be a agent provocateur trying to make Cruz’s supporters look like fools, but I think you only reflect on yourself.