We’re not that far apart...I’m just looking at the blowback of trying to bring back manufacturing by simply closing borders. There are way too many impediments to producing affordable items in this country, and unions are a big part, a huge part.
...and so are EPA regulations. I’ve been to China, I know EXACTLY why we have clean air and cheap products - we sent all our pollution there (believe me it unreal, much, much worse and widespread than Los Angeles ever was) and the manufacturing that creates it. We better be ready for some increased pollution if we want those plants back, or we will PAY THROUGH THE TEETH, that is the flip side to imposing trade barriers without taking steps to make manufacturing economical again here. We don’t need people dropping in the streets due to pollution (like they’re almost doing in China now), but we better be ready to loosen up a bit.
Umm, ok. You make money of GloBULLism. Sell out opinion is of little value.
I think we should explore your relationship with China, why you are so pro off shoring, why you hate unions and non union shops equally and what your connections are to international corporate trade deals. Come clean Bob. You spilled the beans now clean up your mess.