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To: Read Write Repeat

Sure. Ask yourself if a severe conservative profits from BBQing dead babies from Planned Parenthood via his business interests. Ask yourself if a man should be trusted to lead America with honesty and integrity, that has taken all sides of all issues and ultimately, in every case, comes down on the side of Ted Kennedy. Ask yourself if a man who has spent his entire career torpedoing conservatives with glee is someone you want anywhere near a position of power.

Now ask yourself if Ann Coulter told her readers the truth about Mitt’s conservatism and fitness to lead America. Because Mitt Romney is that man and it is all documented.

She either told the truth, which she continues to defend to this very day, or she baldfaced lied.

It cannot be both. There is no wiggle room on these issues.

148 posted on 09/24/2015 10:23:47 AM PDT by Norm Lenhart
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To: Norm Lenhart

The only difference between Trump and Romney is net worth and a governing record.

You’ll figure that out in a few months. The GOPe was against Romney from the get-go because of Romney’s immigration record. What the GOPe is doing against Trump and what Trump is doing against them is the same exact thing. Perry was the first. Walker (who I had very high hopes for given his reversal on immigration. Although he was always the first to support whatever Trump said on the subject, his followthrough was weak) was the second. Wait until more drop out, then revisit this post.

I live in a state where we have the highest amount of illegal immigration per capita. The issue is very important to me, and should be to you if you want to win.

And again, Coulter was one of the few who were right, especially with this column. These candidates all suck on immigration except Trump is saying the right things — and that’s why he’s in the lead regardless of his supporting Planned Parenthood, progressive tax structures, tariffs, and whatever else conservatives are supposed to be against.

Immigration is the top issue. It affects everything.

157 posted on 09/24/2015 10:57:09 AM PDT by Read Write Repeat (Not one convinced me they want the job yet)
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