Illegal immigration is an “act of love” for their families. My vote for anyone but Bush in the primaries and then anyone but Bush in the general election is an act of love for my country. There is no situation in which I would vote for Jeb.
F Bush.
Illegal immigration is an act of war against everyone who is NOT an illegal immigrant. What about OUR families who are being deprived of our hard earned income to pay for this criminal activity. Bush should be tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail.
Simple question, yet it seems nobody has EVER asked it - “How do we know if these ‘undocumented immigrants’ even WANT to become full American citizens, adopting ALL the American ideal, foreswearing their former allegiance or allegiances, and unreservedly obeying the laws and statutes of the United States and the various states?”
To come here, then to DEMAND that all the law, language, and customs of the former country be kept, is to invite chaos. The hyphenation of the term “American” does not, cannot be applied to loyalties. Your heritage or genetic makeup may be of another land and another way, but upon becoming “US Citizen”, that designation trumps all others.
I personally think he's running for president of messyco.
I would literally vote for Jesse Jackson before I would vote for Jeb!. Jeb! is a contemptible pile of ordure.