Has it never occurred to you, my respected friend, that if you were pope (bear with me in this absurd example) the Washington Post would quote everything you said about Ruth Ginsberg, "Fabulous" Fanning, the UN, the RAF, and the Brewster Buffalo --- edited toward two ends, either to make you sound foolish, OR edited to make it sound like you agreed with them ---- and wouldn't quote a single thing you said about Jesus Christ Our Lord?
Don't you realize they'll skim through pages of Jesus-talk to get to the one or two necessarily non-Jesusy things they would consider newsworthy?
The media lie by shading and framing, by molding and pinching, by manipulative paraphrasing, by tendentious captioning, and by omission, and we need to be wise about their lies.
Pope Francis' video message to 2nd Theological Congress (Sept 4)
Doctrine is not a closed, private system deprived of dynamics able to raise questions and doubts. On the contrary, Christian doctrine has a face, a body, flesh; He is called Jesus Christ and it is His Life that is offered from generation to generation to all men and in all places.The theologian is a believer. The theologian is someone who has experience of Jesus Christ and has discovered he cannot live without Him. ... The theologian knows that he cannot live without the object / subject of his love, and devotes his life to sharing this with his brothers."
Jesus shows us the path to freedom, not success, Pope says (article on his Sep 13 talk)
"By announcing that he must suffer and die, Jesus is making it clear to his followers that he is a Messiah who is a humble servant, and who obeys his Father even to the point of dying on a cross," Francis said.The Pope then recounted how Jesus gathered the crowd along with his disciples, and told them that whoever wants to follow him must also become a servant, and deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.
To imitate Jesus in his servantly role and to follow him isnt easy, Pope Francis observed, and requires a strong union with the Lord, an attentive and diligent listening to his Word, (and) the grace of the sacraments.
Pope Francis: "Jesus is the bread of life"
To meet and to welcome Jesus, the bread of life Pope Francis concluded gives meaning and hope to our lives that are sometimes tortuous; but this bread of life he said - also gives us the duty to satisfy the spiritual and material needs of our brothers."To do this" he said- "we must announce the Gospel everywhere, and with the witness of a fraternal attitude of solidarity towards our neighbor, we can make Christ and his love present amongst men."
Pope Francis: Jesus Shows Us His Mercy by Teaching Us The Truth
"Yet the people discover where Jesus goes, and follow him." And here, Pope Francis said, the evangelist offers us an image of Jesus of unique intensity, taking a snaphot of his eyes, as it were, and capturing the sentiments of his heart.The evangelist says: As he landed he saw a great throng, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things (v. 34)."
The Holy Father called the the three verbs used by St. Mark to see, to have compassion, and to teach the verbs of the Shepherd. Jesus does not look on the people as a sociologist or a photojournalist, he said. Instead, he always looks with the eyes of the heart.
Pope Francis: Jesus is the secret of a Christians benevolence
A Christian is a person who opens up his or her heart with this spirit of benevolence, because he or she has all: Jesus Christ. The other things are nothing. Some are good, they have a purpose, but in the moment of choice he or she always chooses all, with that meekness, that Christian meekness that is the sign of Jesus disciples: meekness and benevolence. To live like this is not easy, because you really do receive slaps! And on both cheeks! But a Christian is meek, a Christian is benevolent: he or she opens up his or her heart. Sometimes we come across these Christians with little hearts, with shrunken hearts . This is not Christianity: this is selfishness, masked as Christianity.Pope Francis: Jesus Rocks Our WorldA true Christian the Pope continued knows how to solve this bi-polar opposition, this tension that exists between all and nothing, just as Jesus has taught us: First search for Gods Kingdom and its justice, the rest comes afterwards.
The words of Jesus always rock our world, he said, because they challenge the ways of secular society. And Jesus knew right off the bat they were those among his disciples who do not believe, Francis said, and so they left him. And yet, faced with these defections, Jesus does not back down and does not soften his words. Indeed He forces us to make a clear choice: either to be with Him or separated from Him, and so He said to the Twelve: Will you go away too? It is Peter, Francis said, who makes his profession of faith on behalf of the other Apostles: Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. The Pope underscored that Jesus does not say where shall we go?, but to whom shall we go? From Peters question, the Pope continued, we understand that loyalty to God is a matter of loyalty to a person to whom we are bound to walk together on the same road. And this person is Jesus.
Pope Francis: 'Jesus Loves Us Without Limits'
Jesus loves us, without limits, always, until the end, the Pope said. The love of God for us doesn't have limits. There is always more, always more. He never tires of loving anyone.I only pause here from the need to be reasonably brief. I could post a different selection of Pope Francis'"Jesus-talks" every day for months, and never run out.Francis emphasized that Jesus gave his life for each person by name, saying, Each one of us can say, 'He gave his life for me.' Each one. His love is like this: personal!
Don't FReepers know this? Can we, as FReepers, be media-savvy enough to understand this? I am embarrassed by the level of obtuseness around here sometimes.
Oh please Mrs. Don-O. Please do not insult my intelligence. From the very start of your post you wish to place the blame for Jorge's blasphemy against Scripture on the "media." It is pathetic, and it is something I will not tolerate.