I saw a thread posted here a day or two before the debate, wherein Rush Limbaugh had indicated on his daily show that the “get rid of trump” baton was being passed to Fiorina SPECIFICALLY... the implication was an inside source had leaked the intent to RUSH.
Another very plausible rumor that was floating around was that she was coached on the questions, which would explain why she could blurt out, almost before a typical person who had to think a second or two before offering an answer to what would otherwise be a military question.
Makes sense, if one knows what questions might be asked, one COULD put together a sharp tongued answer, before they even reached the stage. I think that is the occams razor explanation for any glint of excellence in her performance last night... and I also believe that RUSH has passed that data he has on to political operatives of the more independent contenders for the nomination.
When a student does significantly better on a test than should be expected... the first suspicion a teacher has... is that they MIGHT have had a cheat sheet or known the questions and answers in advance.
I believe any “good” performance people credit her with, is likely due to the GOPe slipping her a list of questions... in advance.
Anyone who knows what has happened should expose it... if there was any foul play.
I believe any good performance people credit her with, is likely due to the GOPe slipping her a list of questions... in advance.................................................. Basically what I said to my wife about Fiorina AND Rubio. They sounded like well rehearsed speeches.