Funny how I didn't hear about this on ESPN.
You are what is keeping and making the black race look bad.
King Noble is just doing what Obama, the rest of the Race Industry and the Democrats want him to do.
I would pay to watch that.......................
The way Sherman has behaved publicly, it’s no wonder they thought he was one of them.
I don't dislike Sherman one bit. He's a great player and he was the first Seahawk to shake Brady's hand to congratulate him for winning his 4th Superbowl.
Sherman has bravado, he made bring a brashness to the field, however, we are all guilty of moments where we should of acted better. Look at Cosby, he’s been preaching that black people should stop acting like the white people are their only problem, yet now he’s been discredited as a rapist, does that mean he’s incorrect about how black people should view themselves? Sherman hasn’t been accused of anything like Cosby but I guarantee his message will get lost because of his personality and that’s very very sad.
Wow, he went bout 50 points up on my respect scale there..
He's facing the problem head on.
I really did not like Richard Sherman, because all I ever saw of him was his trash-talking antics.
I am a New England fan, so the image of him taunting Brady from a few years back was all I knew of him. I am not into trash talking, having been a hockey goalie for many years and been exposed to it. I don’t do it to others, and don’t like it when people do it to others.
When I saw his face at the end of the Super Bowl...I just couldn’t dislike him more than I felt pity for him. And seeing him go up to Brady to shake his hand, I realized that, yeah. Okay. There is more to the guy than a fan in an opposing city might be exposed to.
I had thought, after listening to some of the things he said about race in the past, that he bought into the whole race hustler type of mentality. Granted, I only got bits and pieces of what the sports media wanted me to see, so I had to take that into account.
If he did write this, I can respect this man both on and off the field.
And you are right. Funny how we didn’t hear about it on ESPN. How I detest them. (Except for Mike Reiss, who is stellar in his beat coverage of my chosen team and seems to avoid all the BS ESPN is all on board with...)
“but it took some courage to take a stand like this. “
No courage, just maturity. He’s right: He worked hard and succeeded and is the best at what he does. Skin color had nothing to do with how hard it was or how easy is was. It took what it did and he did it.
It takes cowardice, laziness, and stupidity to cave to the liberal propaganda that black is inferior and that blacks can only get ahead if a white man gives it to them.
What a great message for black youths to hear!
And he wrote, “That is a bold-faced lie” instead of “bald-faced”. Finally... someone gets it right.
Even being a rabid 49ers fan, I have to say - Bravo, Richard Sherman. Well said.