Boeing also said they could borrow money without Gov’t help.
The two lovely ladies in the Senate from WA get ‘donations’ from Boeing for providing cheap money.
787 parts are hauled to Everett from Italy and Japan. No planes are 100% domestic anymore.
Solyndra losses came from the US Treasury, no matter what the pathway.
Boeing can, just not as cheap. Meaning they lose some competitiveness. Boeing was also part of a group that opposed killing the Im-Ex Bank.
The pathway for the Solandra losses matter. Those loans were made by Obama to his fund raiser bundlers on fraudulent statements.
The IM-Ex bank has make something on the order of $7 billion that gets returned to the treasury over the last 20 years. And in the process helped American jobs. They don’t finance unproven technologies like Solandra. They finance export deals where there is an established product and a clear buyer and seller.
Does your conscience bother you at all for implying Boeing could care less about the bank, when it's obviously not true.