To: C19fan
The ‘deal’ will not stand.
Treaties must be ratified to have effect. This one has not been.
Your lack of understanding not withstanding.
78 posted on
09/10/2015 2:12:05 PM PDT by
(Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
To: editor-surveyor
As if Barry GAFs what the law is. As if the GOP GAFs what the law is.
79 posted on
09/10/2015 2:14:21 PM PDT by
Norm Lenhart
("The road is long...and I must poop." - Volarian Lionheart/Hero of the people)
To: editor-surveyor
“The deal will not stand.”
As I have always maintained, the object of all this for Obama is to get the Iranian sanctions lifted. Let the devil take the hindermost.
110 posted on
09/10/2015 5:04:56 PM PDT by
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