Something that should remain buried, perchance?
One day as I was walking past there, I got just a really creepy, skin-crawly feeling that sort of stuck with me the rest of the day. When the woman who ran the department there came in, I asked her (sort of half-seriously) "Any ghosts in this old building?" She spun around and asked, "Why? What did you see?" I told her what I had felt in the hallway. Her response kind of surprised me, because she was a sort of no nonsense type of person. She told me that the building didn't have any ghosts, but that they would get artifacts coming through there that seemed to have energy attached to it. "A lot of people died in really horrible ways over some of these artifacts. We had an exhibit in here last year and people and guests were seeing dark shadows all over the museum, along with accompanying creepy feelings. I was so glad when that exhibit left. I wouldn't stay in the office a minute after 5:00 when that was here."
Naw, that's just too mamsy pamsy. Mine will say, "May you be cursed with ex-wives stalking your every move."