The Governor Of Hawaii for one :
“You know, during the campaign of 2008, I was actually in the mainland campaigning for Sen. McCain. This issue kept coming up so much in the campaign, and again I think it’s one of those issues that is simply a distraction from the more critical issues that are facing the country. And so I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that’s just a fact. And yet people continue to call up and e-mail and want to make it an issue. And I think it’s, again, a horrible distraction for the country by those people who continue this. It’s been established. He was born here.” —[former] Governor Linda Lingle (R-HI)
And I think its, again, a horrible distraction for the country by those people who continue this. Its been established.
The real issue is....
Is Obama A Natural born Traitor.... OR
...............A Foreign born Traitor................
I see it as a mute point.. the only answer is WHO CARES.?.
Fry the Son of a Bitch.. as quickly as it can be made legal to fry traitors again..
If he escapes to a foreign country go get his ass..
Also I don't recall them specifically saying he was born in Kapiolani back then. Please be a dear boy and find that statement asserting he was born at Kapiolani Hospital.
I know you have it ready to hand with all your other cross indexed supporting statements for Obama's legitimacy. Please consult your carefully ordered Obama Legitimacy files and fetch it out for us, will you?