yea, that’s complete fantasy.
the 18th amendment was about giving citizenship to the slaves, and the indians by extension. it says absolutely nothing about reclassifying or redefining the concept of a natural born citizen.
Tell it to the Courts.
There’s been 117 years for a ruling that differentiates a Citizen of the United States At Birth from a natural born citizen and that ruling has not yet been handed down.
In 1898 the federal government’s attorneys asked the Supreme Court to rule on: “Are Chinese children born in this country to share with the descendants of the patriots of the American Revolution the exalted qualification of being eligible to the Presidency of the nation, conferred by the Constitution in recognition of the importance and dignity of citizenship by birth?”
“To hold that Wong Kim Ark is a natural-born citizen within the ruling now quoted, is to ignore the fact that at his birth he became a subject of China by reason of the allegiance of his parents to the Chinese Emperor. That fact is not open to controversy, for the law of China demonstrates its existence. He was therefore born subject to a foreign power; and although born subject to the laws of the United States, in the sense of being entitled to and receiving protection while within the territorial limits of the nationa right of all aliensyet be was not born subject to the ‘political jurisdiction’ thereof, and for that reason is not a citizen. The judgment and order appealed from should be reversed, and the respondent remanded to the custody of the collector.”
Wong Kim Ark won his appeal.