Except it’s not a deal yet. Instead of acting like the vote already happened, I’d like to see Trump try to stop it. No one has a bigger mic.
Unless he’s already become one of those who want the Presidency more than anything else.
Don’t ever want something so bad you can’t walk away, you’ll lose every time.
He and Cruz are having a rally on the 9th. And, yes, the money will be released before the next election. You can take that to the bank.
>>Except its not a deal yet. Instead of acting like the vote already happened, Id like to see Trump try to stop it. No one has a bigger mic.<<
Excellent point. But it sounds like Trump is focusing on the money involved, as I’d expect, instead of the principles involved.
Why all the so-called conservatives in here have decided to throw in with one of the bigger crony capitalists of all time is beyond me, but they have. Trump’s political positions have been all over the lot for one reason, and one reason only—he’s not a principled politician; he’s a businessman. If it takes adopting a liberal stance to get a deal done, so be it, as he’s demonstrated repeatedly in the past.
I get the fact that people are fed up with the open border policy of the last several administrations, but I’d lay odds that if Trump is elected, he’ll be coming around to the GOPe view within weeks of taking office. After all, as he said regarding the Iran deal, there’s a lot of money at stake, business money.