I’ve known neurosurgeons. My wife is a hospital administrator. They are the most nerdy boring people out there.
Orthopedic surgeons on the other hand usually got interested in bones because they broke one or two as kids.
My guess is his closets are full of brown suits. Boring, brown suits. With nice ties.
You never know; right now, NOBODY out there ( not connected to Carson ) knows much about him at all.
I also have known neurosurgeons and probably many more than you because that is my business. Installing leading edge imaging technology in their labs for non interventional stuff. Some are as you describe them, some come to work in genes and smoke cigars when we are on the golf course. Others are total aholes while a good percentage are regular guys who would do anything for a friend. One of those spoke to a former army collegue in South Carolina who was a specialist in what ailed my daughter at my request. He operated on my daughter, removed three large fibroids in a precarious position and exactly 12 months later my daughter had triplets. True story. neurosurgeons are a cross section, some as you describe, others who go to the range with me and still others who would not give you or I the time of day. Carson is not one of those.