You sure you have the right person. I thought I was just making the point that I feared the Pope was somehow making a very serious sin such as abortion less serious. Like in the difference between mortal and venial sin.
And I was only questioning the Pope because it seemed the Church was accepting of the United Nation’s document of Sustainable Development which supports abortion. Now someone send me some more recent information saying saying this was not so. But I had good reason to think the way I did because of this:
This is more recent.
"You shoplifted a candy bar your penance is to say three Our Fathers. You killed your baby say three Our Fathers."
This comment was about penances, and you seem to be saying that, in the Confessional, all sins correlate to trivial penances and consequences ("the Our Fathers.")
It's not so, and --- if you meant it as stated --- it conveys a remarkable level of misinformation.
I am glad to see that, according to he Vatican's UN rep Cardinal Silvano Tomasi, the Church "cannot support the inclusion in the SDGs of reproductive health when it means access to abortion."
Bu I am sorry to say that that level of awareness seems absent from other highly-placed prelates, such as Archbishop Bernardito Auza, who stated that the SDG's were to be accepted "verbatim." "Verbatim" was his word.
This is a horribly bad sign.