In terms of jobs and wages, the marketplace is working. We have a surplus of labor meaning that employers have their pick of employees and can offer them lower wages. If we had a shortage of labor, wages would be going up, not down.
We now have crony capitalism. Government at all levels controls about 40% of GDP. The government picks winners and losers. The "capitalists" vie for government contracts and in return, they donate money to the politicians. Almost one out of two in this country gets a government check.
The Rule of law provides guidelines for the immigration process. It is for economic as well as for other reasons, of which I am also greatly concerned.
I am not talking about process. I am talking about numbers. We are taking in too many legal immigrants and guest workers. There is no correlation between our intake and our job/skill needs. We need to drastically reduce the numbers.
This current lawlessness has far reaching implications, not the least of which is economic, and employment opportunities. The country is not just an employment arena, though.
Immigrants use our welfare system to a much greater degree than the native born. We are importing poverty, which costs the taxpayers, especially at the state and local levels. Our schools, hospitals, and other social services are being overrun. It hurts the quality of services and increases the costs.
We have taken in 35 million legal permanent immigrants since 1990. We have just had the two highest decades of legal immigration in American history. In 1970 one in 21 was foreign-born; today it is a little less than 8, the highest in 105 years; and within a decade it will be one in 7, the highest in our history.
87% of the legal immigrants are minorities as defined by the USG. By 2019 half of the children 18 and under will be minorities, thanks in large part to immigration, legal and illegal. The demography of this country has been changed forever. By 2043 non-Hispanic whites will be less than 50% of the population compared to 89% in 1970. Immigrants and minorities vote more than two to one Dem.
The bottom line is that this country is being colonized by the Third World.
Ok. I’m just saying it’s even worse There is an onslaught of destruction of our culture and heritage that goes with this. It is an invasion. In many places and instances Americans are second to the immigrants even the illegals. Language, the rule of law, ways of behavior
disrespect of our military.