Just make it financially untenable for any business large or small to employ a single illegal alien. Businesses will stop hiring illegals. Simple supply and demand. The supply will dry up with no demand. My initial suggestion is a fine of $250k/per illegal found to be employed directly or indirectly by any buwiness. This is per illegal, per day, with no cap on the maximum amount a business can be fined. Sub-contractors employed by businesses are also scrutinized and fined the same as the businesses utilizing their services. Proceeds to be disbursed to the states in which fines are collected to reimburse taxpayers for the social services wasted on illegals and their equally illegal bratlings.
It is a suggestion. Take it for what it is worth.
Damn Good Idea; 250k per day, per illegal employee, for first offense.
Second offense is 500k per day, per illegal employee.
Plus all company OWNERS, CEO’s, CAO’s, contractors and sub-contractors are subject to 5 years in prison, on a chain gang responsible for construction and maintenance of the walls on both the Southern Boarder and Northern boarder.
Fines to be charged and paid for all court costs.
Illegals are no longer trafficked here to work; they are being imported to keep whole neighborhoods from turning into ghost towns. Here in NJ they are used to keep school classrooms and Wal-Mart aisles full...