In a perfect world, the alluded to implications would indeed happen, but the reality of the situation is, we are far too law-abiding and intimidated by the ramifications of force majur being brought to bear on the onsey-twosey that might actually cap some BPs. I truly would like to see the ferals and anti-societal types be put down, but only see a few circumstances where that would happen, and all are self-defense in nature.
I could see some state level stings being carried out.
As long as there is the appearance of rule of law it won’t revert to the law of the jungle.
I give the apparency until right befo de lections, to provide cover fo martial law and “temporary” suspension of the voting process.
I hope it never happens but the speed and direction we are headed suggests there will be a shtf day. When that happens the police and military will be too busy with other problems to protect the citizenry. There herd will be thinned quickly when that time comes. The young & the stupid, and the angry & unprepared will be hardest hit.