Cruz has not been perfect, in my opinion, but he’s been far closer than the others.
He’s the top of my list. Trump is on my list for an entirely different reason. He is the other most likely in my opinion to demolish our current GOP.
Well I will probably be heckled for admitting it, but I simply had no idea Cruz was committing to a wall back in ‘12. To think of all the non-Trump supporters who have ridiculed me for believing Trump will follow through on the wall. I suppose they would say, ‘yes, but when Cruz says it, he means it.’
Who knows.
Fwiw, I believe Trump will build a wall bc there is a big payoff, personally and politically, to him for keeping this commitment. By the same token, there is a huge liability to him, personally and politically, in breaking this commitment. Plus, he just loves to build things. It’s what, as a real estate developer, he does. He’s likely salivating over the ‘deal’ he’ll pull off to get the wall built even as we speak.
Anyway, thanks again for the link. It was/is priceless.