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To: EveningStar

This should be an interesting thread.....

2 posted on 08/30/2015 1:51:24 PM PDT by Las Vegas Ron ("Medicine is the keystone in the arch of socialism" Vladimir Lenin)
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To: Las Vegas Ron
I can save everybody a click to the Washington Compost by summarizing the Jennifer Rubin's column as follows:

Despair not, GOPe establishment. For Trump is already beginning to lose his luster. Why Ben Carson is only five points behind him in Iowa! Also, Jebbie Bush is starting to "sharpen his message" and he's got lot's of money to get his message out. Yes, there's a lot of conservatives upset with the GOP out there but don't let that bother you. They don't make the decisions around here. They always waste their time supporting "hopeless" candidates like Sarah Palin, Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann. So hang in there GOPe, Trump is about out of gas, just give it some time and you will have your hand-picked establishment candidate after all.

Hopefully I saved you all a click but go ahead and click through anyway if you want to see for yourself.

12 posted on 08/30/2015 2:01:44 PM PDT by SamAdams76 (We gave GOP the majority to take care of business and they let us down. Time for Trump/Cruz)
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To: Las Vegas Ron
So, it's not just the Republican Party Establishment that doesn't get it, we can add this bimbo to the mix of people who don't either.

I'm not a Trump fan, I still believe it's way too early to pick a horse in this race. Having said that, if the media chattering class and the GOP-E would shut their traps and actually listen for a change, they'd figure out pretty quickly that:

1. American's are pretty pissed off about immigration, the economy, the daily scandals from the Obama Administration National Security, pissed about the Iran deal, Hillary's email scandal, and the Republican's complete caving into Obama even after winning the House & Senate via record elections;

2. Political correctness is DEAD.

Trump is doing what no one else in Washington DC is: He's speaking truth to power. Or, as people like me understand it: COMMON SENSE.

Trump's also making complete FOOLS out of anyone who attacks him which simply bolsters his standing with the electorate.

They just don't get it. The Media. Political Ruling Class, none of 'em.

53 posted on 08/30/2015 3:17:00 PM PDT by usconservative (When The Ballot Box No Longer Counts, The Ammunition Box Does. (What's In Your Ammo Box?))
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To: Las Vegas Ron

Indeed ! That’s the understatement of the night.

97 posted on 11/14/2015 5:57:12 PM PST by American Constitutionalist
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