Kudlow is blowing smoke. While he preaches free trade, he gives only passing lip service to fair trade. The problem we have is fair trade and that is what Trump is talking about. This country is being taken to the cleaners and Trump speaks to the incredible imbalance in world trade. Rather than slap on tariffs and call the job done, he will use tariffs as leverage to negotiate fair trade agreements with foreign countries. There are other options to leverage against these countries. America spends billions of dollars on foreign aid to countries that are screwing us on trade, yet the U.S. will not use this leverage effectively in trade negotiations and on immigration. Mexico is is a prime example of this. Kudlow is a mouthpiece for the Chamber of Commerce on trade and immigration. He is basically for the status quo, which the country is sick to death of.
Kudlow: globalist blood sucker.
I’m still sorting a lot of this out, but getting some breaks in exchange for all the billions in aid we give seems reasonable.
There’s a lot I don’t know/understand about the global economy but I’ve always thought Milton Friedman brilliant and my natural inclination is to side with more freedom.