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To: NKP_Vet

I saw his comments yesterday and just a few minutes ago. Pretty sad...

The gun control fanatics started coming out of the woodwork before these people were even cold.

I can sympathize with his loss, I lost a best friend a couple of years ago to cancer and a woman I might have married to a drunk driver in the 80’s. I’m not out pushing for a band on cars...It hurts, and it takes time to even begin to come to grips with it. There’s this big empty hole in your soul that nothing will fill. Not easy to describe, and impossible to understand unless you’ve been there yourself.

But more gun control will not solve anything.

I love gun control actually...but to me gun control is hitting your target.

If this guy had no access to guns, he would have used another weapon, same as every other crazy in the world will do. Take away guns, they will get knives, take away knives they will use rocks...

I heard Trump last night put his finger on it. It’s not a gun problem its a mental problem. (paraphrased, not his exact words). I’ve known that for years. It’s a social problem. A psychological problem.

What gun grabbers refuse to admit is this. Guns do not kill, people do. The only way a gun can kill a person is for another person to pick it up and pull the trigger, period. The gun is not the problem, the person holding it is. Charles Manson’s followers were the focus of another thread, one of them is up for parole again. The knives they used didn’t do a thing until they picked them up and started stabbing. Yes I realize a gun was also used. Same thing. Someone had to pull the trigger.

How many people were killed in this world by swords, clubs and spears for thousands of years before guns were invented? Look into history a little...just the Bible actually, how many wars were described? And it was not just wars, they had to deal with highway robbers, murders in the cities, random senseless killings...this is far from a new problem, ever heard of Jack the Ripper? He used a knife by the way...

This is a case of a maniac losing it, gun control will not stop that. We do need to work on finding out ways to spot it before it boils over, but that’s really difficult. Thousands of people are roaming around with troubled lives right now and 99.999% of them will never hurt a fly. Just the fact that someone is emotionally unstable does not mean that person will go out and shoot a dozen people at a shopping mall one day. Or show up and do some thing like this to people they know. And gun control will not do a thing to solve the problem...

I could go on...I’ll get off my soapbox though...

Again...a gun cannot and will not kill anyone until another person pulls the trigger. Gun control will not help a thing. well, unless you call gun control hitting your target...

Oh and I’m glad someone else caught that, (sorry, can’t remember who), WHILE trying to shame politicians into pushing for gun control he said he would have to go out and buy a’s that for a double standard?

68 posted on 08/28/2015 1:07:25 PM PDT by Paleo Pete (I'm with the bomb squad. If you see me running, CATCH UP!)
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To: Paleo Pete

“If this guy had no access to guns, he would have used another weapon, same as every other crazy in the world will do. Take away guns, they will get knives, take away knives they will use rocks...”.

The husband of the lady being interviewed that was shot in the back was interviewed today and he said if the perp had not had a gun he would have had a machete or a knife, that he was out to kill someone to get noticed. He said the perp was to blame, not a gun. And something tells me he’s a conservative.

89 posted on 08/28/2015 2:44:04 PM PDT by NKP_Vet ("I got a good Christian raisin', an 8th grade education,Ain't no need y'all treatin' me this way")
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To: Paleo Pete

Shane explaining the use of a gun. “A gun is a tool, no better or no worse than any other tool: an axe, a shovel or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that.”

90 posted on 08/28/2015 2:48:12 PM PDT by NKP_Vet ("I got a good Christian raisin', an 8th grade education,Ain't no need y'all treatin' me this way")
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