Again, tell me what Campaign promise Republicans have made to you and kept?
Sorry, but even if Trump is a “liberal”, which I think is a little funny on its face, he’s taken stands all over the place in his public career spanning 30+ years, trying to use that as an argument to diffuse him fails and falls flat when the simple counter is... so what promises has your politician kept?
Trump is not where I am ideologically, I am not sitting here advocating anyone support him, what I am saying is I can see completely why he is getting the support he is, and that I do doubt any candidate on either side of the aisle during this political season will take him down.
The powers that be are so insanely tone deaf on both sides, that they really think they can push America into a Bush V Clinton race when no one, and I do mean no one wants either one of them.. that’s how tone deaf they are.
You don’t have to support Trump, I don’t have to support Trump, but I am telling you, he is the only guy out there that is connecting, and connecting in a big way across the spectrum. There is a lot of time left in this election, but it really looks like its his to lose...
WHy? because both parts have done so damn poorly that neither one has any credibility, the arguments that would stop someone like him in previous elections have no weight, because both sides have screwed over the people so badly, that no matter what they throw up there, the counter is, Look he can’t be any worse that Obama or Bush.... or x or y or z... so he’s got a huge berth to work from that at other times would not exist, but both parties created the environment that is going to allow someone like Trump to have a shot, and he is definitely using it.
Laugh all you'd like but his history proves it.