As id always the case, liberal “Conservatives” abandoned the conservative over a minor disagreement (h1B) and ran hat in hand to a far more liberal alternative while beating their chests over how conservative their idiocy was.
Proving conclusively what I have said for years.
His votes on the Corker bill and on TPA stunk. They had me shaking my head.
Yeah. That H1B thing really strikes emotional responses. I think it is an overreaction, but I need to work to understand it better. I do not see that the people reacting so strongly understand it in all that much depth either. They rattle off something about tech jobs...blah blah blah...and act like the sky is falling. Maybe it is falling, but I am not yet convinced.
Cruz also wants legal status for the 40 million illegals in this country, and just a couple of years ago blushed to even suggest the idea of self-deportation, making him even more lefty on the issue than Mitt Romney. Cruz's opposition to amnesty is entirely defined by the phrase "I oppose a pathway to citizenship." He does not oppose legal status, and his opposition to a pathway is just hokus pokus, because once you give these illegals residence in this country, it is impossible to actually forbid them citizenship.