Bbaawaahhhhh....more money to UN?....Yeah...right.
Gee, I wonder who is expected to come up with money........ :/
If youd like to be on or off, please FR mail me.
I suppose we have to pay Iran to monitor themselves.
Wait. Liberals implemented a costly plan without knowing exactly how much it costs? Whodathunkit?
Running low on caviar....
No problemo. Obama will play whip-out with your wallet.
10 million a year to sit on your ass and have Iran tell you how they are doing on its past and present nuclear program ?
The U.N. Parasites are at it again!
The left hand of that corrupt organization should talk to the right hand.
Haven't you heard?
Iran, per the fake U.S. president, is now monitoring their own implementation of the so-called "agreement," that no one has seen.
If you're still anxious about the whole thing...
Move the U.N. to Iran!
Problem solved. Using public transportation, the cost can come out of petty cash.
Something “our” congress will defund!
Why would you cut a deal with an organization that didn’t have the resources to follow through on its obligations?
Obama has tried to ship the wealth of the USA out of the country from the moment he arrived.
There is nothing he does that isn’t borrowed from China. When China closes the door, Obama will have completed his mission.
Well if your out of money, go ask Iran, HAHAHAHAHA
Oh, come on.
We’ll just Iran do all the monitoring.
What a racket.
The UN is a putrid collection of world class felons who could not get a real job in any profit making company.
Let’s see... A public IP camera would work for under a grand, including net service for a year. Install 400 of them each month, make a website where anyone can watch the feed - problem solved for under a million.
But here’s the better question: Why would anyone BUT Iran be paying for monitoring of their own actions? Just pull the cost of monitoring for ten years out of the billions being released to Iran as a security surcharge.
There are no anytime, anywhere inspections, as Americans were promised during the negotiations.
No American or Canadian inspectors will be allowed into Iran.
The agreement obligates all the parties, including the United States, to help Iran protect its nuclear facilities against an attack, whether physical or cyber.
Any area of Iran that the Iranian regime designates military cannot be inspected.
Iran can object to any inspection and delay it at least 24 days, and, according to the Wall Street Journal, up to three months.
The deal will free a hundred billion dollars and eventually much more for the Iranian regime to use to bolster Irans economy and to supply terror groups around the world.
Bill Iran for it.
Jarrett said there would be hell to pay.
Aside from the oil for food or the human trafficking, what exactly has the U.N. DONE?
I’m presuming, like the Fed, its books are ‘off the table’ from prying eyes??
Still, anything to take-down the U.S. the p-Resident will agree...