Grant? Grant???? Are you seriously comparing Donald Trump to Ulysses S. Grant??? My word.
Grant was a humble, decent man who bravely led his men to battle. Actual battles, that is. Trump is a brash egomaniac who “fights” Twitter feuds. Trump (and his “bone spurs”) would not be fit to shine Grant’s shoes.
“Grant? Grant???? Are you seriously comparing Donald Trump to Ulysses S. Grant??? My word.
Grant was a humble, decent man who bravely led his men to battle. Actual battles, that is. Trump is a brash egomaniac who fights Twitter feuds. Trump (and his bone spurs) would not be fit to shine Grants shoes.”
Grant was humble, but he was a raging alcoholic too (probably why he was a humble man. Reminds me of my Grandfather when he was sober versus drunk). Trump does remind me of Grant in a way, but in Trump’s own peculiar way. Both were forceful and daring. Trump isn’t a General for God’s sake (I never said that!), but he was POTUS. Why are YOU comparing Trump to Grant only in the context of being a General? I didn’t.