WI schools are a mixed bag.
Great Schools is an excellent resource for grading school overall performance.
WI has their share of 10s but their midrange and lower scores are substantial.
-—mixed bag. midrange and lower scores are substantial.
True. Im not sure you could find a State whos schools are not. They did not become midrange and lower because of Walkers reforms. Just like all long-Democratically governed school systems, Milwaukee is a colossal failure, resistant to improvement.
Walkers ACT 10 reforms had a significant educational focus that has been overlooked. The big, Democratic school systems rushed to sign union contracts in advance of Walkers reforms so the reform effects were delayed for those districts for several years.
I have begun to see anecdotal evidence that promising teachers are receiving multiple job offers. Hopefully, allowing demand to pull the good teachers to where they are needed and to eliminate the bad ones will take effect.
But it is silly to argue, as those have above that Walker has destroyed the schools.
Sorry, but Great Schools is only as good as the data fed into it. They gave an 8/10 rating to the Pacifica California school district. Trust me, it is a sh—hole district.
Now I’m not saying that WI schools have similarly inflated ratings from Great Schools— their ratings might be entirely accurate. I just find fault with your assertion that the site provides an accurate picture of the quality of schools.