The last time I received a speeding ticket, I babbled on to the Judge about all speeders not being ticketed so I shouldn't be held to account. Needless to say, I didn't win that one. Judge said "pay up or go to jail" so I paid. The all or none argument on deportation is just as silly as mine and I suspect the good Dr. knows that.
I suspect he doesn't. He lives in the Beltway Cocoon. He lives, eats, breathes, and sleeps in a world dominated by New York Times, Washington Post, and mainstream media propaganda. He has no clue about what a family in Lebanon Kansas thinks. They might just as well hail from the moon. "You can't deport 12 million immigrants" has been repeated so many times in the Cocoon that the true believers likely think it's part of the constitution. Krauthammer is often funny, and often insightful, but don't rely on him for guidance on how to change government.
It’s like an officer told DH many years ago when pulled over for speeding...
DH said, “But officer, others were speeding too!”
Officer to DH, “Son, have you ever been fishing?”
DH, “Yes, sir.”
Officer, “Ever catch ‘em all?”