I’m amazed by all those young people in the crowd shots. Not your typical Republican crowd. Us old timers. Can he draw off independents and young democrats?
I couldn't help but notice how up front and personal he is with his supporters. This guy is real. His confidence shines and the draw to this man is clearly a sign of genuine real hope for America, who is in desperate need of leadership.
One other thing from a security aspect. Those providing close in security no doubt love this guy as he is real and genuine. I am confident he treats them with the utmost respect, as they do him. I have no doubt whatsoever those folks are 10 times more vigilant because of who he is and how he treats them. It must be very clear to them this man really loves America and has faith in our people. Seeing what it did for him and his family going back many years, I am very confident about this as well.
Just the fact Trump got so close to so many unknowns in this extremely large crowd is stunning from my perspective. He knows the risks and is briefed on these matters long before hand. He clearly wants to be close to the people and shows he is really passionate person about our people and the country. Regarding all this, for the professionals profilers providing inner circle security, those with bad intent would very likely not be too difficult to key in on. Threats from mass murderers like the Mexican El Chapo does not impress Trump one bit. El Kabong is no doubt sweating this election as much as the corrupt professional politicians in D.C.
The more I watch this history in the making, the more I like this guy. Thanks again caww.