He’s driving the debate and
Here’s what I mean.
The Leftists are great at redefining the ‘moderate’ or middle of the road position on issues. “Well what homosexuals do in the privacy of their own homes is their business.”
Now, if you oppose gay marriage you’re a ‘homophobe’ and ‘bigot.’
The LEFT has controlled what is normal and what is ‘extremist’ for years now.
Trump is redefining what the right wing is. “Take away all the illegals and their children who may have been born here and deport them all.”
So that’s the right wing position.
RINOs have capitulated so much ground we need to go hard, hard right to get back to normal.
Trump has used immigration to drive a stake into Jeb’s candidacy.
These two have a very real thing going on in how they're setting this stage....remarkable and brilliant!
“RINOs have capitulated so much ground we need to go hard, hard right to get back to normal.”
Your excellent comment needs to be shouted from the rooftops! As a nation, we have gone so far to the left, that the discussion itself is off the charts. Asking not the degree of mental illness of a man sodomizing another man, but whether or not it’s marriage. Asking not what punishment is suitable for people invading our country, but how many rewards and gifts they should receive. Asking not if the murderers of babies get life in prison or get put to death, but what the going rate is for baby parts. Asking not if there is even a politician worthy of leading this once great nation, but which of them is the least criminal and if any of them is capable of telling the truth.
Yes, the nation must turn hard, hard right if it is to survive.