Rick Moran is a whiner - again
If there are no benefits to being an illegal then the illegals will self-deport. President Eisenhower did it and so can the next President.
Simple. Enforce the I-9 requirement for working ( it is the law). Cut off all welfare for illegals and they will go back home.
Offer 40 acres and a mule ( plus a refrigerator, generator, and flat screen) to anyone who goes voluntarily with all their family
After all don’t children deserve to be raised in their rich cultural heritage of Mexico? Why are all these rasist acting like Mexico is hell on earth?
Chuckie!! ...They Go Back From Where They Came!!
...start over again, legally this time.
Enforce the laws now on the books. Heavily fine employers who employ illegals. Without jobs most will leave on their own and open the jobs for US citizens. Change welfare laws, to no workee, no payee.
Furthermore Trumpster should team up with WalMart and Home Depot to build some mega malls down there in every region that is sending people here
Give them jobs and air conditioned shopping and Cinemax, let em get building supplies from Home Depot to build houses , let em buy the cars they build
What if Mexico was like Canada? We damn sure tried to make Iraq into Canada and the logistics here are a whole lot easier
Revoke Obama's "Dreamer's Amnesty"!
Penalize Sanctuary Cities.
No Driver's Licenses
No Welfare.
Hefty fines for employers of illegal aliens.
Make them beg to go home.
Cut off the incentives and they will self-deport. Start with strict border enforcement. Then, speed up the process by adding incentives such as $1000 payments to be deposited in a country of their destination and a free plane ride home for the first million or so to apply for these free plane rides and waive their rights. Gradually reduce the payment until it is zero, but they get a free bus ride home. Then, finally, crank it up to full prosecution, hard jail time, finger printing, disqualification from future entry and asset seizures if they insist on dragging it out. The carrot and the stick. Take your pick.
Yeah, OK. All these police shootings of young black men “These have got to stop”.
Does anyone squat on their pedestal of superiority and ask “what is the means of achieving this?”
No, because the answer has been iterated 1,000 times: Family integrity, parental involvement. Proven. Demonstrated. And yet the aspiring black teenager, the football kid or the one graduating from sophomore year local college, shot down in gang violence is another common story but those, the aspiring ones, they don’t get memorials set up in the street with a four hour prayer vigil for the four minutes his corpse was flopped in the gutter....certainly not any more than the neighborhood thug or drug dealer. So the criminal is idolized every bit as much as the aspirational one. Special, isn’t it? All black lives matter but not all black deaths matter.
Because these superior, uninvolved intellectuals can offer their opinion on Trump from behind their shield of self-assumed intellectual superiority. But they are cowards.
Logically its really quite simple place a bounty on each of their deportations to the INS payable to state and/or local authoritative. In essence pay state and local goverments for every illegal alien they capture and turn over to the IRS.
The Constitution DOES NOT say "anyone born in the USA is a citizen"
It says "anyone born in the USA AND UNDER THE LAWS AND JURISDICTIONS OF, is a citizen" (forgive me if i don't have it exact)
That is clearly NOT THE SAME as "anyone born here is a citizen"
Clearly anyone who rushed to the USA to give birth just to claim citizenship was not the intention of the framers, or they would not have included that cause.
Just STOP treating them as citizens. Announce that it will be his administration policy to more correctly interpret the constitution that way, and order everyone NOT TO give out USA birth certificates to anyone who cannot prove they are here legally.
AND announce that he will strictly follow ALL immigration laws that Mexico has. (that will make liberals' heads explode)
Very simple, start throwing employers and landlords in jail and they will self deport by the millions.
We should have been worrying about cost & logistics 45 years ago!
Deport one and 100 go home on their own. World gets around the illegal community fast.
Change hiring an illegal alien from a misdemeanor to a class 3 felony. Problem fixed.
“What are the logistics for doing this?” I dunno...what were the logistics of how they got here?
I’ll tell you the logistics of sending them back; make so they WANT to leave. Deprive them of employment and all government benefits. Declare them ineligible for every form of public assistance, assess a tax liability on every employer who hires illegals at twice the minimum wage rate for payroll taxes. And enforce it.
Do that, and they’ll leave.
You arrest a couple hundred of them confiscate all that they have gained while illegal then shove them back across the border then sit back and watch the rest of them leave. Then hire some welfare scabs to do the jobs that they vacated. Refuse to work no welfare.