Someone posted the following on the FR thread about the Women Rangers:
Comment I saw online recently from a former Ranger on the subject:
“A final example of where the U.S. military is going right now. Many have heard about the women in ranger school experiment. The Army scoured the military for a couple of years and found 19 women that might have a chance. They were allowed unlimited train up time, had special observers to insure fairness etc. and so far 3 have actually passed 1 phase, after 3 recycles. Great so for 2 years the Army has devoted time, money and resources to this project for maybe 3 women to make it (they are only in the mountain phase so far, about 1/2 way through). While I don’t care who goes or passes Ranger School (it is a tab/school not a scroll); however I do care about the effort and amount of resources on this project when we are cutting 10’s of thousands of combat Soldiers from the Army and units are scrapping the bottom of the barrel for money to train to fight and win wars. The military has turned into a social lab for the PC police; sorry but the end goal of the military is to fight and win wars and sadly that is no the focus of the military currently.”