Who is Beck’s audience? The only time I listened to his radio show he just came off as so fake and boring as hell too. I keep hearing about him though. He does a lot of lame stunts to keep his name in the news I guess. Keeps saying he has some explosive announcement to make and it’s just something that everyone already knew like “Obama sucks.”
The sense that I have is that he pushes conspiracy theory-ish stuff but is very moderate politically.
I really don’t know who his audience is. He and his side sick, Pat and Stu, come off as the male version of “The View,” IMO. I stopped listening a very long time ago. Too much silliness, and Beck talking like he was the Pope or something. Don’t get me wrong - I am a Christian and believe in sharing my faith. However, one has to be led by the Holy Spirit when to speak and when to keep your mouth shut.