It does go to show you that anti-Trumpeteers don’t care about anything other than slamming Trump. Rush schooled this kid in a very excellent manner.
More to the point, he schooled the listeners who think only infrequently about politics and not much at all about the inside-baseball of blue-on-blue hits and "takeouts".
(And the for record I consider the Dems the "RED" party.)
One last point is that there are still a lot of Republicans (Fiorina, Jeb Bush, Linda Graham, others) who are miserably deficient on a number of social issues like abortion and immigration, that I think Rush ought to think twice about saying it before he blurts out that he'll take any Republican over any Democrat. I think there is a lot of merit to the argument from four and eight years ago that we'd be worse off today on key issues if John McCain or Mitt Romney had broken into the White House.
Neither one of them supported Main Street Republicans on Obamacare/Romneycare, 2A, immigration, land-use issues, or black racism.
And nobody has done squat about the IRS, Fast & Furious, and FECgate, even Benghazi.