I would make an ‘exlax cake’ that should solve the problem....
You’d get in a lot of trouble putting Exlax in a cake. Now, covering it with rainbow-colored sugar-free gummy bearswell, that would just make the cake more festive!
(Check out the Amazon review of the product)
Doubt they would notice the difference....
If you made them a cake of bird manure, it would still "solve" their problem, which is "how do we force people to bow to the Gaystapo? "
Complying with anything they tell you to do is solving their problem, and it doesn't matter how badly you do it because it isn't the product that they want, it is YOUR FORCED COMPLIANCE!!!!!!!!
Do you not understand that they deliberately seek out bakers and photographers who do not want to do these things? That it has nothing at all do do with actually getting these things? That their only goal is to abuse the law to force people to regard their sick twisted mental disease as a protected right?
It would sure ruin the honeymoon.