So, you don’t seem to have a problem with all the so-called conservatives we have elected, who have turned out to be DEMS in disguise. Sure, Trump had some liberal viewpoints previously - I guess living in NYC will do that to a person. That city is a hell-hole of liberalism. However, I’d rather someone now come to the conservative side, than the other way around -which is what we have been witnessing year after year of those elected officials who have turned on us. That door swings both ways.
So you trust a guy who has been a Liberal all his life, described himself as VERY pro-choice, called for single payer nationalized medicine a few years back and repeated his praise for such systems in the debate. A man who support a ban on “assault weapons” amd a 72 hour waiting period on all gun purchases and blasted the Republicans for “walking the NRA line” and opposing “limited restrictions”. A man who recently praised Hillary Clinton and has contributed to her campaigns and $100,000 to her Left Wing foundation.
Why not support Ted Cruz, who has consistently been a champion of Conservative principles and battled the enemies of the Constitution in both parties?