Waste of money and time....preventing evaporation? Who thought up this silliness? Evaporation is the first stage of the rain cycle. California should not be messing with Mother Nature but this is not the first time!
If California would send the illegals home to Mexico, the state could lessen the demand for a lot more than 300 million gallons of water per WEEK! If each illegal, (the estimate is close to 10 million but we could halve that to 5 million) uses 30 gallons per week, the use is 150,000,000. So, let’s say TWO WEEKS!
“If California would send the illegals home to Mexico, “
We don’t have the power to do that.
We passed Prop 187 back in 1994 to try to do something to reverse the illegal alien invasion, but we were beaten back by an unholy alliance of Democrats and Mexico-First Republicans- including the then Governor of Texas, GW Bush.
As for the rain cycle, we live in a coastal desert in SoCal. Letting water evaporate won’t benefit us one iota.