“Anything Hillary has on the ValJar/Obama gang, now is the time to release them..... just saying”
Nope, IMO only threatening to reveal the dirt works in her favor. Once she drops the dime it is open warfare and she is toast, much more so than just having to drop out of the race. Bubbas money and influence wont mean squat if Barry / President Valjar turn loose full throttle the alphabet soup Gov. Agencies on her.
Just the threat is not good enough. You think Hillary is such a good little trooper who will put country and her party first, after her utmost ambition had been thwarted twice? Remember it is not just her, all THOSE helped pave the way for her had already ‘invested’ so much.
Either some Clinton plants or just some one(s) want to be whistle-blowers will leak enough information on ValJar/Obama so that the last two years will be the lamest lame duck in the history of USA.
To all:
My prediction is that Hillary will develop some urgent but mysterious illness or self-inflicted fall on the stair incident, so she will be incarcerated in an undisclosed hospital (in effect dropping out the race) until Obama’s royal pardon.