To: SeekAndFind
What does Planned Parenthood have to do with women’s health?
14 posted on
08/03/2015 3:28:29 PM PDT by
(The revolution has begun...and Trump is gonna lead it.)
To: RoosterRedux
I know people can talk themselves into just about anything ... into rationalizing any conceivable position they may hold ... but I truly thought compelling taxpayer financial support of a company that slaughters babies to sell the organs for a profit because the slaughtering "benefits women's health" was too horrible a thought to even consider.
I was wrong.
29 posted on
08/03/2015 3:39:49 PM PDT by
To: RoosterRedux
It’s killed 28 Million baby girls since 1973.
53 posted on
08/03/2015 4:13:41 PM PDT by
G Larry
(Obama is replicating the instruments of the fall of Rome)
To: RoosterRedux
Good question. Answer: absolutly nothing.
“There are many causes worth dying for, but none worth killing for.” ~~ Albert Camus
67 posted on
08/03/2015 5:09:49 PM PDT by
(Rest in Peace, Officer Sean Bolton, Memphis P.D.)
To: RoosterRedux
What does Planned Parenthood have to do with womens health? The end of it if one is a female baby in the womb.
69 posted on
08/03/2015 5:13:59 PM PDT by
(Restoring our Republic at 9.8357x10^8 FPS)
To: RoosterRedux
What does Planned Parenthood have to do with womens health? About the same that public schools have to do with education.
77 posted on
08/03/2015 5:53:02 PM PDT by
(There is no more GOP. There is RAT, and RAT lite.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson